Senior Year Bucket List 2023: 75 Things To Do Before College
End your senior year of high school right with this bucket list of 75 things to do before going to college.
Ah yes, senior year of high school!
It’s the last year of high school that people either seem to love and want to last forever or want to end as soon as possible.
But regardless, always remember: You only have one senior year of high school ever in your lifeāso it’s best to make every moment count.
In today’s blog post, I will be sharing the ultimate senior year bucket list. This bucket list will contain 75 fun, memory-making, and inspiring ways to end your senior year of high school with a bang.
So without further-ado, let’s get started...

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Senior year bucket list: 75 things to do before heading off to college
- Attend at least one football game
- Attend Prom
- Go on a college tour
- Take a photo on the first and last day of school
- Write a thank you letter to your favorite high school teacher
- Try every kind of cafeteria food
- Take a photo with every single friend
- Write a letter to your high school crush
- Create a scrapbook of your favorite high school memories
- Go on a senior year trip
- Participate in Senior Week
- Go to at least one chorus, orchestra, or band concert at your school
- Go to at least one theatre performance at your school
- Go to a bonfire
- Buy high school spirit wear as keepsakes
- Take a photo with your mascot
- Get featured in your yearbook or newspaper
- Join a club
- Attend a pep rally and really get into it
- Walk across the stage at graduation
- Go to at least one other high school sporting event besides football
- Dress up super fancy one day for class
- Go to one percentage night for your high school
- Participate in Community Service Day
- Attend the Homecoming Dance
- Write a letter to yourself
- Make a college bucket list
- Tell each of your teacher’s “thank you”
- Send a candy gram during Valentine’s Day to each of your friends
- Go to a football tailgate
- Stand in the front row of the student area during a football game
- Walk every hallway in your high school
- Try every piece of food and soda from the vending machine
- Go to school one day fully decked out in your high school’s spirit colors
- Wear a costume to school on Halloween
- Go dress shopping for Homecoming and Prom
- Take graduation photos
- Plan your graduation party
- Go to a graduation party
- Have a deep conversation about life and the future with one friend
- Read the first paper you wrote in high school and then read your latest one
- Race a friend down the hallway
- Make a new friend
- Witness one promposal
- Kiss your significant other in the hallway
- Create a playlist of all your favorite songs from high school and jam out to it
- Watch the entire series of High School Musical movies
- Watch one half-time show at a football game in it’s entirety
- Draw a picture on your high school parking spot with chalk
- Write a senior year message on your friend’s car with car window paint
- Take tons of selfies
- Friend everyone in your senior class on Facebook
- Take a photo with your college acceptance letter and post it to social media
- Write a thank you note to your parents
- Start a Pinterest board to get you inspired for college
- Create a memory box for your high school memories
- Wear fuzzy socks to class
- Sign all your BFFs yearbooks
- Start a daily journal or diary you can reflect back on in the future
- Write a letter to each of your friends
- Do your makeup super nice one day for school
- Try out one new hairstyle
- Ask someone out on a date
- Have a sleepover
- Create a senior yearbook ad
- Take a funny high school ID photo
- Get out of your comfort zone at least once
- Attend a rival high school’s football game
- Volunteer to read to kids at a local elementary school
- Spend extra time with your high school friends
- But also spend extra time with your family too, especially if you’re moving away for college
- Go dorm room shopping
- Do a closet clean out
- Dance in your graduation robe
- Explore the city of where your high school is located
Concluding thoughts on senior year bucket list
Senior year of high school is such a special time in your life and you only get to do it once.
I personally wish I could have done more my senior year of high school because I basically spent most of my time studying, applying to colleges, playing in the orchestra, and working on the yearbook for my high school. And I didn’t have much of a social life either!
I truly hope this list of 75 things to do your senior year of high school has inspired you and given you plenty of ideas of things to do before college.
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